Union Court Terraced Multifamily September 2024

Union Court, viewed from the South West, is located at the intersection of 21st Street and Skilift Road in WEST VANCOUVER



Introduction: Burgers Architecture is conducting a meeting in advance of submitting a development application.  We have been commissioned by our client, Verdania Developments, to look into the feasibility of rezoning this single family zoned area (see map attached) to low-rise multifamily. The intent is to provide smaller, more varied housing options for residents in keeping with the District’s OCP and Provincial initiatives.

  1. Purpose: This preliminary public consultation meeting is being held in accordance with the Council’s Preliminary Public Consultation Policy.  We are seeking early feedback to help guide our design process. Attached are the following documents:

    1. Location map of the proposed development area.

    2. Plans and data for

      1. Lots 4,5,6: townhouse proposal

      2. Lots 7,8,9,10: Terraced multifamily

      3. Lots 11,12: Terraced mulifamily

  1. Format: The agenda for the open house on October 3 is as follows:

    1. Short Introductory presentation- covering background, proposed density, traffic flow, and housing types and sizes

    2. Process and key dates

    3. Question and answers

    4. Open viewing area with boards and feedback forms

  2. Approval process: Facts and timing: (dates subject to change, *indicates opportunity for public consultation):

    1. September - October 2024: Preliminary public consultation*

    2. October - December 2024: Submissions of preliminary applications to DWV planning staff as well as comments from public

    3. December- March 2025: incorporation of feedback from public consultations, planning staff and preparation of formal rezoning / development application

    4. April-May 2025: Second preliminary public consultation*

    5. May-June 2025: Preparation and submission of formal rezoning application

    6. Public information meeting to be held prior to council presentations, to be arranged following formal review by staff.

  1. Sources of information: More information can be found in the following places:

    1. Information on District Development permit applications including this application:                                                                                                    https://westvancouver.ca/business-development/development-applications

    2. Information on District Development regulations and policy:                    

      1. https://westvancouver.ca/business-development/building-development/development-regulations